We Pledge to Stay Safe to Stay Open

Stay Safe Utah Pledge Graphic

Les Olson Company has taken the Stay Safe to Stay Open pledge. We pledge to do everything we possibly can to protect our employees and community. For months, we have been operating under extreme caution to bring Utah businesses the products and services they need to stay up and running, while looking out for the health and safety of everyone. We take our commitment to our community very seriously. You can have confidence in your interactions with Les Olson Company because we promise to practice the seven safe habits outlined by the Utah Leads Together Plan for as long as necessary. Here’s what we’re doing:

  • Conducting temperature checks before work and stay home when sickWe conduct health screenings of each employee before they enter our building to begin work each morning. Employees enter through specific entrances where temperatures are checked and health questions are answered. Employees with high temperatures or other symptoms will be sent home and are only able to return to work within the office building after a negative COVID-19 test.
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Stay safe to stay open utah employee temperature screening
  • Wash our hands frequently and avoid touching our face and eyes
  • Practice social distancing including wearing face coverings in close common areasIn our offices, we adjusted work spaces wherever proper distance couldn't be maintained to allow our employees adequate space. Face masks became mandatory in our offices in April for all employees and we provided a reusable face covering to any employee who needed one. We require face coverings while away from desks and in common areas of the office. Meetings have been encouraged to take place over Microsoft Teams, or 6 feet apart with masks. Our team is used to being together, so It has been a strange transition, but everyone has participated with a great spirit of cooperation. We're also working hard to protect our clients. When our technicians, sales representatives, and delivery specialists go to visit client offices, we require them to wear face masks. Technicians must wear disposable gloves, perform proper hand hygiene and wipe down the equipment they work on with 99.9% isopropyl alcohol before and after service calls. We also offer complimentary face masks for all clients coming to visit us in our offices.
Stay Safe to Stay Open Utah Free Customer Face Masks
  • Learn about high-risk groups and help protect themWe have studied how we can protect high-risk groups. We understand that taking all of the precautions outlined in this plan protects us all, but especially those who are most vulnerable. In addition we have worked to make special accommodations for high-risk employees or employees with at-risk family members. We also serve many clients that have special requirements to protect high-risk groups, such as hospitals and clinics. We have, and will continue to follow the additional guidelines of any client that requires additional precautions as we visit them at their locations.
  • Cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze
  • Clean high touch surfaces frequentlyWe have designated individuals in each office who are responsible for sanitizing high-touch surfaces daily. This includes print/copy equipment, lunchroom surfaces, light switches, door handles, and more. We all feel confident knowing the office is thoroughly cleaned every day.
Stay safe to Stay Open Utah Employees sanitize lunch room
Stay Safe to Stay Open Utah Employee sanitizes copier
  • Follow public health guidance as updatedOf course what we know about COVID-19 is rapidly changing and we're keeping a constant finger on the pulse of public health guidelines, making changes as needed. We pledge to continue to do our part to keep our entire community healthy so we can all keep going strong.

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