
5 Ways Document Management Reduces Operational Costs

5 Ways Document Management Reduces Operational Costs

Putting together proposals is an essential process in winning new business, and collecting receivables, paying bills and getting approvals are just duties that come along with running an organization. But the costs of those processes aren’t written in stone, especially since the advent of digital Document Management. ... Read More
Cloud PBX, Virtual Phone System Advantage

Cloud PBX, Virtual Phone System Advantage

What is Cloud PBX? PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange, basically a private telephone network used within an organization that allows users to share a number of outside lines for making external phone calls. Traditionally a PBX has been a piece of physical hardware that organizations needed to store and maintain within their offices. ... Read More
5 Tips for a More Environmentally Responsible Business

5 Tips for a More Environmentally Responsible Business

We’re all concerned about our impact on the environment. We want to conserve energy and resources. We want to become environmentally responsible and avoid being wasteful because we feel a sense of social responsibility. In business, it just so happens that reducing the impact of our day-to-day operations can also save us time and money. That makes everyone a winner. Here are some tips for working more sustainably. ... Read More
Are There Lines on your Copies? Learn How to Fix It

Lines on your Copies? Learn How to Fix It

The documents we create, copy and print say something about us. A nice clean copy can portray a professional image, while a page with streaks and lines can be embarrassing. Are you getting lines on your copies? Good news, the solution may be very simple! Those lines might just be a sign of dirty glass. ... Read More