Tips for Enabling Remote Work with Microsoft Teamsv

Tips for Enabling Remote Work with Microsoft Teams

Transitioning to Remote Work with Microsoft Teams Enabling remote work is now more important than ever. Even after things return to a relative sense of normal, remote work will likely remain a vital part of business operations. Whether there's a health crisis or not, giving employees the tools needed to stay productive and connected from anywhere is a smart strategy. Our choice for remote collaboration is Microsoft Teams, a solution we use throughout our own organization. ... Read More
Creating a Digital Mailroom with DocuWare

Creating a Digital Mailroom with DocuWare

Did you know that in 2019 the US Postal Service delivered over 142 billion pieces of mail? Sending and receiving documents by mail has been a critical part of running a business since the inception of mail delivery. While we all suddenly find ourselves in a very different work environment, mail continues to be sent to our offices, whether our employees are working from the office, or not. ... Read More
Erase Specified Range on Your Sharp Copier

Erase Specified Range on Your Sharp Copier

Whiteout is so last decade. With your Sharp copier, you can scan documents in and select specific parts to be erased, before printing or emailing it. This is a great way to correct errors, remove sensitive information, or remove blemishes from your documents. In this article we'll walk you through the Erase Specified Range function of your Sharp copier so you can try it for yourself. ... Read More
How to Digitize Documents with Free PaperScan App

How to Digitize Documents with Free PaperScan App

With so many people working from home, digitizing documents is more important than ever. But if you don't have a scanner at home, you're out of luck, right? Wrong! DocuWare has a free mobile scanning app that works with, or independently of DocuWare. In this article, we'll discuss some of the features of the PaperScan App, and how you can use it to digitize and distribute your paper documents from home. ... Read More