Meltdown & Spectre: What You Need to Know

Desktop, Laptop, and Cloud computers can be affected by Meltdown. This issue applies to nearly every Intel processor since 1995. Some AMD and ARM processors are also affected. Desktops, Laptops, Cloud Servers, Smartphones, they all can be affected by Spectre. Really all modern processors are potentially vulnerable, specifically Intel, AMD, and ARM processors.
How to Secure Your Home Computer for FREE

With a slew of high-profile ransomware attacks and the increasing number of ways your computer can be breached, you’re probably wondering what you can do to protect your home computer.
Is WannaCry Making You Wanna Cry?

Picture this. You are working on an important proposal at your company workstation when all of a sudden, your screen goes black. You receive a small, striking message on the top of your monitor: “Your files are being held for ransom.” What do you do? How can you fix it? Will your files ever be recovered? This is a small example of what can happen when you are not protected from ransomware.
Why is it so Important to Update Your Computer Operating System?

Often it can be hard to determine when it’s time to update your computer operating system. Recently Microsoft has announced that it will no longer offer product support for Windows Vista. With this announcement, many Microsoft users will need to update.
How The Internet Became a Cybercriminal’s Playground

We are in a great era of technology; a vast collection of knowledge is quite literally at our fingertips, available at every moment. Social media, webmail, blogs, and websites have become toys in our playground.
3 Ways to Boost Mobile Security

Your passcode is your first line of defense. If someone wants to access your device, they’ll first need to break this code. This is not always easy and can operate as a deterrent against theft. Many mobile devices also have the option to unlock your phone using fingerprint authentication. Based on high levels of encryption, this is a very good option for securing your phone.
Tips to Avoid the Microsoft Support Phone Scam

Recently, Microsoft “Tech Support” Phone Scams have been carried out even more frequently than usual. You may get a phone call from someone claiming to be a Microsoft Support Technician. Be prepared so you can protect yourself and your business from becoming the prey of scammers.
Preventing Drive-by Download Attacks

Cybersecurity is becoming more complex as hackers and malware become more stealthy. Unfortunately, some cyber attacks slip by unnoticed by network administrators because they don’t immediately perform their destructive tasks. Instead, they sit dormant, sometimes for weeks waiting for the right time to attack.
Beware of Flash Drive Hacker Scams

Flash Drives (or USB Drives) may seem like an innocuous item to find laying around in an office environment. You may find one and decide to use it, or simply plug it into your computer to see if you can identify an owner. What you might not know is that this can be bait used by hackers to gain access to your computer and network. Don’t fall victim to the flash drive hacker scam.