
Meltdown & Spectre: What You Need to Know

Meltdown & Spectre: What You Need to Know

Desktop, Laptop, and Cloud computers can be affected by Meltdown. This issue applies to nearly every Intel processor since 1995. Some AMD and ARM processors are also affected. Desktops, Laptops, Cloud Servers, Smartphones, they all can be affected by Spectre. Really all modern processors are potentially vulnerable, specifically Intel, AMD, and ARM processors. ... Read More
Is WannaCry Making You Wanna Cry?

Is WannaCry Making You Wanna Cry?

Picture this. You are working on an important proposal at your company workstation when all of a sudden, your screen goes black. You receive a small, striking message on the top of your monitor: “Your files are being held for ransom.” What do you do? How can you fix it? Will your files ever be recovered? This is a small example of what can happen when you are not protected from ransomware. ... Read More