Finishers are self-explanatory; they help the Sharp MFP finish the job in a clean, tailored way according to what your company needs. Sharp offers a variety of finishers that include stapling, hole punching, inserting documents, sorting, folding and much more.
An incredible feature on the new generation of Sharp machines is designed to save staples as well as be more efficient with your resources as a company. The stapler on the new Sharp MFP color copiers gives you the opportunity to staple up to five pages with a stitch rather than a staple. This stitch is safe for shredders and recycling, making it environmentally friendly as well as efficient and effective in the office. It can also be utilized in both copy and print modes! Print jobs greater than five pages can still be stapled with regular staples through the use of a finisher.
The saddle stitch finisher also makes stapling easier by automatically stapling output at the center line and folding the pages to create a pamphlet. Overall, you can save time and effort with recycling and printing, as well as use staples efficiently to save you money with new Sharp MFPs.
Folding Unit
What if you need to fold, but don’t need to staple anything? Don’t worry, Sharp’s got you covered. Folding finishers can fold your document with precision, allowing you to print your document and take it out of the printer folded and ready for use. Just like the stapling unit, this allows you to save time and increase your productivity within the office.
The sorter function on a Sharp MFP allows you to sort your print job according to batches or specifications. This can come in handy when printing many copies of a large document or sorting through the different aspects of the print job. This can help you save time and brain cells as you will no longer be mindlessly sorting through hundreds of pieces of paper. Sounds good, right?
Hole Punch
The hole punch function allows you to finish the job without having to worry about hole punching after the fact. With this finisher, you can easily add your document to books and binders. This finisher can hole punch large print jobs or small print jobs, again, saving you time and money.
Paper loaded into this finisher can be inserted into your print job as covers and inserts. Different weights of paper can be used in order to create a professional, tailored look that will improve your output.
In summary, the finishing options that Sharp offers on most of their machines are designed to help save your company valuable time and resources. For more information on specific finishing options on models and other information you need to know when searching for a new copier, click below!