
Preventing Drive-by Download Attacks

Preventing Drive-by Download Attacks

Cybersecurity is becoming more complex as hackers and malware become more stealthy. Unfortunately, some cyber attacks slip by unnoticed by network administrators because they don’t immediately perform their destructive tasks. Instead, they sit dormant, sometimes for weeks waiting for the right time to attack. ... Read More
Beware of Flash Drive Hacker Scams

Beware of Flash Drive Hacker Scams

Flash Drives (or USB Drives) may seem like an innocuous item to find laying around in an office environment. You may find one and decide to use it, or simply plug it into your computer to see if you can identify an owner. What you might not know is that this can be bait used by hackers to gain access to your computer and network. Don’t fall victim to the flash drive hacker scam. ... Read More