
About Us Our History Corporate Leadership Restructuring

Corporate Leadership Restructuring

Les Olson Company has made some exciting changes to our corporate leadership structure. These changes will help the company adapt as the nature of business technology evolves. We are lucky to have so many talented employees, who have dedicated decades to making Les Olson Company the best it can be. We’re confident Les Olson Company will continue going strong with this great leadership team to guide it. ... Read More
How do I get rid of black lines on my copies?

How Do I Get Rid of Lines on My Copies?

Are your documents sending the wrong message? After all, as the saying goes, presentation is everything. If your copies are marred with unprofessional-looking black lines or dots, it might reflect poorly on your business. Avoid this mistake by making sure your documents are sending a clear message, free from any unintended distractions. ... Read More
Sharp Platinum Award

Sharp Platinum Level Service Award 2019.

Les Olson Company is honored to receive the Sharp Platinum Level Service Award for 2019.The Platinum Level Service Provider standard is reserved for the best dealers who meet Sharp’s highest standards of operational efficiency. ... Read More
Cut Printing Costs by Changing Print Defaults

Cut Printing Costs by Changing Print Defaults

If you think about it, you can actually reduce your paper consumption by HALF if you make double-sided printing a regular practice in your office. Paper is expensive so that’s no small accomplishment. To cut printing costs, it’s as simple as selecting the double-sided option when you print. You can even make double-sided printing the default in your print driver settings. ... Read More