
Coronavirus Phishing Scams on the Rise

Coronavirus Phishing Scams on the Rise

It's unfortunate, but wherever there's fear and chaos, you'll find people willing to take advantage of it. Such is the case with hackers and scammers looking to enrich themselves by tricking unsuspecting people during the Coronavirus pandemic. ... Read More
3 Tips to Secure Users Working from Home

3 Tips to Secure Users Working from Home

Many businesses are prioritizing the health and safety of their employees, allowing them to work remotely. While this is a great move, given current circumstances, it's important to also look out for the health of your network during this time. Here are our top 3 tips to secure users working from home. ... Read More
Protecting Your Network from Cloud Snooper

Protecting Your Network from Cloud Snooper

Sophos, a leader in next-gen cybersecurity, recently published a report on this new and sophisticated attack. According to their report, Cloud Snooper uses a unique combination of techniques to evade detection, allowing malware on servers to communicate freely with its command and control servers (C2) through firewalls that would normally prevent these types of communications. ... Read More
5 Tips for Avoiding Phishing Email Scams

5 Tips for Avoiding Phishing Email Scams

Cyber security has become one of the most important parts of running a business. One tool none of us can do without is email, but sometimes even the best of us make emailing mistakes that can put us at risk for email scams. Make sure you and your employees know these simple tips for improving email security. ... Read More