Top 3 Opportunities for Digital Transformation

Top 3 Opportunities for Digital Transformation

New digital tools and processes have the potential to totally transform the businesses that adopt them. Three quarters of organizations feel that digital transformation is changing how business is done. Businesses everywhere can take advantage of new efficiencies, capabilities, streamlined operations, improved customer satisfaction, and cost savings. ... Read More
Les Olson Company Joins Super Build Project 2021

Les Olson Company Joins Super Build Project 2021

Les Olson Company is proud to join FOX5 as a sponsor of their 2021 Super Build Project. We will join a number of other organizations in the Las Vegas area in providing the resources needed to achieve two building projects that will improve the community. ... Read More
5 Signs You Need a Secured Fax Software Solution

5 Signs You Need a Secured Fax Software Solution

Think about the types of content your organization sends via fax. If you ever send sensitive information, such as contact information, financial reports, patient records, employee information, or billing details, you have a huge responsibility to keep that information from getting into the wrong hands. Even businesses that take security precautions may overlook the risks of sending unsecured faxes. In this article we will explore how a traditional fax machine can put your company's information at risk, and what you can do to fax securely. ... Read More