Technology Perceptions

Is Your Perception of Technology Holding Your Business Back?

Is the way you think about office technology preventing your business from getting ahead? Do you think of technology as a strategic asset that sets your business apart? Or do you consider technology to be something you should spend the bare minimum to procure? Technology allows small businesses to compete with larger corporations and adapt to new market challenges. Businesses that avoid making the necessary investments in their technology often fall behind. So ask yourself, is your perception of technology holding your business back? ... Read More
6 Benefits of Unified Communications & Collaboration

6 Benefits of Unified Communications & Collaboration

These days we have many modern methods of communication, including instant messaging, email, and phone systems. What if we could combine them into one manageable platform? Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) is built to enable office workers to help customers while reducing issues for IT teams. ... Read More
Creating a Security Incident Plan

Creating a Security Incident Response Plan

The fact of the world we live in is, businesses will likely experience occasional security incidents, despite their preventative measures. Even though it's not possible to secure your network with 100% certainty, there are a startling number of organizations that haven't bothered to create a security incident response plan. ... Read More
Data Backup vs Business Continuity

Data Backup vs Business Continuity

There's no doubt you've heard the terms Data Backup and Business Continuity, but what are they? Are they the same thing, or are they different? Data backup gives you peace of mind knowing your data is safe and you can get your data back if there's a failure. Business continuity takes care of quickly getting your business operating again after a system failure. ... Read More